Sadhna Astro Articles

Phalguna Purnima 2023: Date, Time, Puja Vidhi, Vrat Katha & Significance

Purnimas, also known as Poonam, Poornima, and Poornamasi, etc., are one of the most spirityual days all over India. Moreover, each Purnima in the year is amongst the luckiest days, if people pray on this day with devotion and faith. The majority of followers fast and worship Lord Vishnu on this holy day. Phalguna Purnima 2023 will be in the first week of March. Let us read in detail about Phalguna Purnima, its significance, Vrat katha and other details.

The Sanskrit word “Purnima” denotes “Full Moon” in English. The Phalguna Purnima takes place in Phalguna, the final month of the year, at the conclusion of the Shukla Paksha. Vasanta Purnima, one of the six Vedic astrological seasons, is another name for Phalguna Purnima, since it falls on the same day as the Vasanta Ritu. People celebrate this Purnima as Kama Dahanam in the states of Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka in South India.

The ceremonies for Kama Dahanam are identical to those for Holika Dahan. However the mythology surrounding Kama Dahanam is distinct from that of Holika Dahan. Many celebrate this occasion as Kaman Pandigai in Tamil Nadu and as Kamuni Panduga in and Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Holi is typically thought of as a North Indian celebration.

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